Many thanks to all who contributed to West Down Church’s Gift Day on Saturday 15th June 2024.
Despite the bitterly cold wind and torrential rain, many residents braved the weather, as did 4 members of the PCC who were exposed to the elements manning the outdoor begging bowl, while the more astute ones (including myself of course!) remained in the dry, warm, Iron Room manning the kettle, cream teas and cakes!!
Huge thanks to those who provided cakes and scones, and to those who bought refreshments, and to those who contributed towards the costs of repairs to the chancel ceiling and the leak in the tower of West Down’s beautiful old church. The incredible total raised was in the region of £900.
On behalf of the PCC, I would like to express sincere appreciation, to each and every one of you, for your support and generosity.
Di McGahran. (PCC Secretary)
The Church is situated in the centre of West Down and it is visible from most of the Parish. The Church is part of the North Taw Mission Community (NTMC) comprising St Calixtus (West Down), St Augustine’s (Heanton Punchardon), St Michaels & All Angels (Marwood) and St George’s Georgeham and St Mary’s Croyde.
For more detail about the Church, its Bells, Tower and St Calixtus see History of the Church.
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Anthea Carter-Savigear Director of People and Safeguarding
Tel: 01392294947
Mobile: 07519116073
If you are a young person and you feel unhappy about something happening to you, you can call
Childline on 08001111.
Church Clock
We are hopeful that the clock is now fixed. If you think there is a problem please contact Andy or David.
February 2025 may be read by logging in to the Heanton website –
Church Hall
The Church Hall (Iron Room) is open for meetings without restrictions. Please see below the separate section which contains information to hirers and users. The repair work to the kitchen floor has been completed – thank you to John Pearce for his assistance.
Services at St Calixtus for February/early March 2025
February 2025
2nd. 10.30 am Sunday Fellowship Lay Led
9th 9.30 am Holy Communion Caroline
16th 9.30 am Morning Worship Mandy/Jane
23rd. 9.30 am Holy Communion Glyn/Caroline
March 2025
2nd. 10.30 am Sunday Fellowship Lay Led
For services at Heanton and Marwood please see the link magazine (above).
Morning Prayer on Mondays (except Bank Holidays) at 9.30 am at Heanton Church – all welcome.
For times of services at St George’s Church, Georgeham and St Mary’s Croyde go to the website:
Please do not come to church is you are feeling unwell, have tested positive or have COVID/flu like symptoms. Please let us know and we will pray for a speedy recovery.
A call for prayer
We realise that this is a difficult time for many people. If you would like us to pray for any specific need please e-mail us at and we will ensure that members of our prayer team pray for you. If you have any other pastoral need, please feel free to contact Rev Glyn Lewry (Priest in charge) 01271 600744 or Caroline Raby (Associate Minister) 01271 815560
Church Finances
We would like to acknowledge and thank those of you who, as part of your commitment to worship, have given financially to the work of our churches. We also recognise that many of you continue to give through standing orders and the Parish giving scheme.
If you would like to make a financial contribution to help with the running of the church, the maintenance of church buildings and the Diocesan Parish Share you can use the collection plate as you leave using the yellow gift aid envelopes. Alternatively you could make a donation by an internet banking transfer using the following details:
Should you wish to make a regular donations please contact our treasurer, David Ravenscroft (01271 865413) to discuss options.
North Taw Mission Community Services
Please do take a look at the Northtaw site for information about our local community services. Rev Steve has been putting regular updates on this site including written services and audio files.
Activities at other Churches (for more detail, look at the website above or in the Link Magazine):
ACPM – April 2024
The last annual meeting was held in April 2024. Minutes of the meeting may be obtained from the Secretary.
ACPM – 3rd March 2025
The next annual meeting will be held on 3rd March in the Iron Room starting at 7 pm. All members of the community are welcome.
Iron Room (Church Hall) Management and Use
The Iron Room is open for meetings and events. During this period where there is no mandatory guidance, it will be up to individual users to take what measures they think fit whilst inside the Iron Room. Hand sanitiser will be available for use on entry and exit. Hirers are asked to consider their own safeguards especially when meetings/events involve large numbers which should be avoided. Please do not enter the Iron Room if you have any COVID-19 symptoms and/or have been advised to isolate either through an App notification or by Track & Trace.
Please book through Andy Odell who looks after the day to day running and bookings.
If any users of the Iron Room have any comments to make about the church hall would they please make them known to the Caretaker Andy Odell – or 07940 524302. We would be keen to hear views about the equipment, services and charges – both positive comments and areas for improvement. As a result of feedback, additional lighting has been made available along with two fans heaters to boost the oil filled radiators. Users are more than welcome to put on the heating about an hour before any event/meeting starts.
Please note that keyholders are not to enter the Iron Room without having made a booking.
Church Yard Rules and Charges for Services
A copy of Church Yard rules and Charges for Services may be obtained here.
Electoral Roll
The Electoral Roll is a list of the members of the Church of St Calixtus. The list was updated in March 2019. The position of Electoral Roll Officer for St Calixtus is Dianne McGahran.
Year End accounts to December 2023
A copy of the last year end accounts (December 2023) may be obtained from the Treasurer.
The PCC takes the lead in carrying out the mission of the church – the whole church. Working alongside and supporting the clergy, pastoral care, telling the story of faith, social action and co-operation with churches of other denominations all fall within its remit. In many ways it is the PCC that shapes the health of the church.
PCCs are legal entities and are governed by two pieces of Church of England legislation, called Measures. These are the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956, which defines its principal functions, and the Church Representation Rules.
This second document is particularly useful in understanding the operational rules that govern the PCC and includes information on how often it meets, its members, how elections are held, the responsibilities of its officers and how it relates with bodies such as the Deanery Synod and Diocesan Synod. It also looks at the rules that govern bodies such as District Church Councils, Joint PCCs, Team and Group PCCs.
Further information for specific roles within the PCC can be found below, along with links to the downloadable forms and guidance each role might find useful.
If you have any further questions please contact the Synod Office by email or by telephone on 01392 294931.
PCC Members for St Calixtus
The following persons are members of the PCC. If you wish to contact a Member please do so through the Secretary.
Rev Glyn Lewry Priest in Charge 600744
David Ravenscroft Treasurer 865413
Dianne McGahran Secretary 624153
Wendy Ravenscroft Member
Jackie Bodman Member
Albert Rusling Acting Chairman
Margaret Rusling Deanery Synod Member
PCC Meeting Dates
The following meetings of the PCC will be held in the Iron Room at 7 p.m.:
The PCC meets on a regular basis to undertake its duties. PCC meetings are open to members only (except for open meetings – see above) but if you wish to raise something about a church matter please contact the Secretary. There are vacant places on the PCC as shown below:
Minutes of PCC Meetings
Minutes of meetings are held by the Secretary and are available on request.
Churchwardens may traditionally be responsible for maintenance of buildings and keeping records, but today they are vital to mission and ministry, caring for both parish and minister. It is a post that is challenging as well as rewarding.
The two positions of Churchwarden for St Calixtus are currently vacant.
Exeter Diocese –
Villages Mission Community –
Who is St Calixtus?
St Calixtus (Callistus) Pope and Martyr c.160-c.222, pope (217-222) Patronal day – October 14.
St. Calixtus (or Callistus) was a Roman from the Trastevere district. As a youth he was the slave of a Christian Freedman, Carpophoros, who set him up as a deposit taker. He lost the money belonging to other Christians and fled from Rome. He was caught & returned to his master. After fighting in a synagogue he was sentenced to work in mines in Sardinia but was eventually released with other Christians.
He became Archdeacon to Pope Zephyrinus and in this post, he constructed a cemetery on the Appian Way to provide a tomb for each Christian, including the poor and the slaves. It is one of the most famous of Christian cemeteries and in it are buried up to 500,000 Christians including many popes and martyrs.
He succeeded St. Zephirinus in the pontificate in 217 or 218, and governed the church five years and two months during which time he enlarged the catacombs, which became the official cemetery of the Church of Rome and which took from him their name. As Pope he established the practice of admitting to communion those who repented from their sins – even the most heinous. This made him unpopular so he died a martyr by being thrown into a pit. He was buried in the Cemetery of Calipodius on the Aurelian Way.
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