Parish Hall

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For more information

List of very kind organisations who generously supported the refurbishment of the
West Down Parish Hall toilet facilities – March 2022

                          • Devon County Council Reconnect Rebuild Recover
                          • Garfield Western Foundation
                          • Fullabrook CIC
                          • North Devon Council S106 Lower Broad Park
                          • Sport England Community Asset Fund
                          • The Foyle Foundation
                          • The National Lottery Community Fund
                          • The Norman Family Charitable Trust
                          • The Rank Organisation a Pebble in the Pond
                          • West Down Women’s Institute
                          • West Down Parish Hall Management Committee fund raising.

Without these organisations this project would not have been possible.

On behalf of the management committee: –

Very Many Thanks!

West Down Parish Hall is a member of “Devon Communities Together” – for further detail please follow link:

The Hall is used by a wide range of local groups and individuals being very much the focal point in this isolated rural community especially for younger people and the elderly.

The safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk is an important part of all Parish Hall activities. Our Safeguarding Policy demonstrates and guides all users of the Parish Hall on the part that they play in safeguarding. The Parish Hall Committee is whole-heartedly committed to the wellbeing and protection of all those who are vulnerable or at risk of abuse.

The Parish Hall Committee will monitor national developments, whether through updated policy and guidance or through reports from elsewhere in the country and undertakes to follow relevant emerging requirements and recommendations in a timely and comprehensive manner.

(For full Policy Statement adopted by the Parish Hall Committee on 28th June 2017 please see Documentation sub-page)

West Down Parish Hall Rates – from 1st July 2022


All Day Events i.e.  Wedding Receptions – £200.00

Dances, Parties, etc. – £100.00

Suppers, Concerts – £75.00 

Mornings, Afternoons, Evenings per session for Meetings, Jumble Sales, Whist Drives, Crafts, Coffee Mornings, Afternoon teas etc. – £30.00

Children’s Birthday Parties (per session – morning, afternoon or evening) – £39.00

Children’s Educational Classes (per session) – £19.00

Skittle Alley Hire (this is in addition to the cost of hall hire) – £10.00

ROOM 2000 (per session – morning, afternoon or evening) – £19.00 per session

Hiring charges and short sessions, not covered above, are by arrangement with the Booking Clerk.

Electricity and heating are included in the charge.

Please ensure that HEATING, COOKER (not wall switch), WATER HEATERS, LIGHTS, DISHWASHER, FRIDGES and ALL APPLIANCES are switched off after your event.

Thank you.

BOOKING CLERK: Keith Oades – Mobile: 07979 188107  Email:

Regular Activities

Public Meeting – West Down Parish Council

Social Groups – West Down Parish Hall Management Committee (new members welcome)

West Down Gardening Club (Gardening talks and visits)

West down WI


  • Car Parking – 20 spaces
  • Coach parking (by arrangement)
  • Additional Street parking
  • Disabled Access
  • Disabled Toilet
  • Inside Toilets
  • Bar available
  • Kitchen available
  • Stage available



FROM BARNSTAPLE – take the A361 to Ilfracombe. Drive through Braunton and Knowle. Heading towards Ilfracombe pass The Foxhunters Inn on your right and The Foxhunters Garage on your left. Just a short distance after the garage turn right at Dean Cross (signposted West Down) and continue for about 1/4 mile towards the village. At the next junction turn right and the Parish Hall entrance is there.

FROM ILFRACOMBE/WOOLACOMBE AREA – head for Mullacott Cross and from there take the A361 towards Barnstaple. After about 1 mile turn left at Dean Cross (signposted West Down) and continue for about 1/4 mile towards the village. At the next T-junction turn right and the Parish Hall entrance is there.