Gardening Club Current Events

West Down Gardening Club – Programme for 2023/24


18th JanuaryThe Falklands - Robert Gill
Competition: A penguin in any medium
?? FebruaryTrip to see the snowdrops at Marwood Hill Garden
21st MarchAGM and Social Evening
Give out sunflower seeds ready for August competition
18th AprilThe Historic Front Garden - a light hearted talk by Francis Burroughes
Competition: Stem of a Flowering Shrub
16th MaySt John's Ashford for lunch and talk
8th/12th JuneFilers Holiday in North Wales
20th JuneBee Keeping - Lynne Dougall
Competition: A bee related household item
18th JulyOuting to Clovelly Court and lunch at Harbour Lights NGS Garden
15th AugustBeneficial Garden Insects - John Breeds
Competition: Sunflower grown from seed
19th SeptemberBiodiversity and Sustainability in Horticulture - Alex Paines, Rosemoor
Competition: A stem of a white bloom from your garden
17th OctoberDevon Orchards - Michael Gee, Devon Gardens Trust
Competition: An apple related item
21st NovemberWreath Making - Pippa Stafford - practical evening
Competition: Wreath created this evening
1st DecemberChristmas Meal


JanuaryNo Meeting
FebruarySnowdrop get together