West Down Community Shop


Tel:  01271 8864264
Website:  www.westdowncommunityshop.co.uk
Email:  westdowncshop@gmail.com
Facebook:  westdownshop

Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm
Saturday 8am – 4pm
Sunday 9am – 2pm

West Down Community Shop Newsletter July/August 2024

AMM – Was held on 24th June.  The Management Committee continues to examine a number of different approaches to running the Shop efficiently in a changing retail environment.  We continue to try reducing our operating overheads where we can.  The shop continues to propose to offer high end local products where there is a demand, and attempts to diversify to increase footfall in the shop. Prices have only been increased in line with suppliers RRP and the need to adjust the shops margin to minimise losses.  Sales were down against 2022 by 5.95% due to continued increase in cost of living and challenges on prices.  The shop has suffered a large blow due to Tesco taking over one of the main suppliers (Bookers) and significantly reducing the retail stock available to purchase.  Thus forcing the shop to source other suppliers and have to purchase goods at higher prices.

Fundraising – In addition, the Shop will be organising a number of events to raise funds:

  • West Down Village Fete, Dog Show and Fun Run 25th August 10am – 6pm.
  • Quiz Night, Saturday 28th September  – details to follow.
  • North Devon Community Lottery – Please buy tickets to support the shop and win some amazing prizes!  Visit www.northdevonlottery.co.uk to register.

Please support these events as they add vital funds to help keep the Shop afloat.

Weekly Orders – Did you know that you can order from the shop? In store, by phone or email. We are happy to order and stock your requests where possible.

Support to Scouts, Guides and Duke of Edinburgh – Do your children need a way of completing community service requirements?  Assisting Volunteers in the Shop is a good way of meeting people and boosting confidence whilst working in the Community Hub.  Contact the Shop Manager for info.

More Volunteers – The shop is staffed by a part-time manager, paid weekend staff and 24 volunteers.  55 shop hours required to be filled each week, and the shop manager frequently has to step in to fill in gaps.  So this is a further appeal for volunteers.

  • Parents, could you help us, after school drop off or before pick up?
  • Retired residents, could you help us?
  • Everyone else. All are welcome! Any gender, any age over 18.

A two hour slot, once a week (more if possible) with full training provided. We especially need help on  Monday and Friday mornings.  You would not be left alone until fully confident.  Why not give it a try??

YOU could make a BIG difference

Community News

Post Office – Service available in The Crown Inn.  Tuesday 8:15 – 10:15am.  Your local cash point!

West Down Village Community Park – TO RENT.  Allotment plot available. Grow your own fruit and vegetables and Keep Fit and Healthy!  For more details contact Keith Oades on 07979 188107.

Sitter/Model Wanted – Would you like to sit for the local Art Group at West Down Parish Hall?  We are looking for a clothed model one Wednesday morning – a date to suit you.  Young or old we need you!  Please contact: Avice Yeo on 07747 632634.

West Down Village Fete, Dog Show and Fun Run – 25th August 10am–6pm. On the Community Park.
Live Music, BBQ, Bar with Pimms Area, Bouncy Castle, Crafts & Produce, Games, Sporting Events and much more…
A great day out for the whole family.

St Calixtus Church  A Harvest Supper will be held in the Parish Hall on Sunday 13th October at 6.30pm.  Supper, puds, soft drinks and entertainment.  Bring your own alcohol and glasses!  Adults £6. Children £4.  Tickets will be on sale in the Community Shop nearer the date.

West Down Parish Hall – The live screening of the Men’s Wimbledon final on our big screen in the hall went very well and was very enjoyable.  We now have a TV licence to cover us for these events. Please let us know which events that you would like to see or do it yourselves.  Why not start a film club?

Dates for your diary
Sunday, 25th August is the Village Fete and we will have a Tombola with lots of prizes.
Wednesday, 11th September – Management Committee meeting at 7pm. Non-Members very welcome.
Thursday, 7th November – Coffee Morning.  Come and have a chat with your friends and some refreshment.  We hope to make this a monthly event.
Saturday, 23rd November – Our Annual Ferret Race evening. Always very popular for all the family.
Saturday, 30th November – Christmas Fayre.  Seasonal fun for all the family.

Our lovely and well equipped hall is there for your use.  There is plenty of spare capacity.  Please make more use of it.

West Down Gardening Club – Next meeting Thursday 15th August at 7.30 p.m. at Parish Hall – Beneficial Insects, a talk by John Breeds. More details – Jan 01271 865554.
Would you like to join us for our June 2025 holiday based at Bournemouth? – details on noticeboard in Shop porch.

West Down Parish Council – Clean up West Down 5Th to 11th August.  Pull up some weeds,  pick up some litter – Take some photos and post on the village Facebook page, the best photos get a prize.

DOG FOULINGPlease watch where your dog ‘goes’ and pick up after it.  If you have more than one dog off lead you can’t expect to watch them all.  All dog owners have an idea of when their dog needs to go.  We are just asking you to be responsible for the mess and remove it.  There are 4 dog waste bins around the village –
Parish Hall, School, Community Park and the Coronation Triangle PLEASE USE THEM.


Pictures from the Past